Eagle Pass, TX

Explore Administrative Employment Opportunities in Eagle Pass, TX

Eagle Pass, TX is a beautiful city located right on the border of Mexico and along the Rio Grande. Due to its close proximity to Mexico and quick route to San Antonio, Eagle Pass, TX is otherwise known as “La Puerta de Mexico” or Door to Mexico. This historic area is also the location of Fort Duncan and was established in 1849. After a brief abandonment in 1859 and 1861, Fort Duncan was occupied by federal troops until the 1930s. Today Fort Duncan remains as a museum and lasting piece of history. Since its establishment in 1849, Eagle Pass, TX has grown to be home to a vibrant community of a little under 30,000 people.

However, with a decently high population, finding work in Eagle Pass, TX can be challenging. Job hunting is a frustrating, tedious, and time-consuming venture no matter where you are and Eagle Pass, TX is no exception. Between searching for hiring companies, reading job descriptions, adjusting your cover letter, creating a resume, interviewing, and sending out email after email, job hunting takes a lot of time. At our staffing agency we make the job search easier so you can spend less time out of work and more time in a position you love. Whether you are looking for an office job, manufacturing job, industrial job, labor job, or administrative employment, our staffing agency is happy to help residents of Eagle Pass. Our job recruiters know how frustrating and exhausting finding your dream career can be, and we do what we can to make your search easier. 

From Industrial Jobs to Office Jobs, We're Here to Help

R & H Staffing Services, LLC is proud to highlight a wide range of employment opportunities throughout the Eagle Pass, TX region. Whether you're attempting to fill industrial jobs or you've been searching for the right administrative employment opportunity, our staffing agency is here to help. Take a look at the following section to explore the common types of jobs featured by our recruiters!

  • Office Jobs - Office jobs often place you in close proximity to your coworkers, and may involve some familiarity with computer technology. In many instances, office positions require you to collaborate with others to maximize your output.
  • Labor Jobs - Labor jobs are generally quite active and require you to remain on your feet all day. Additionally, you may have to lift heavy items and operate large equipment. If you are unable to lift 30 pounds, you may not be qualified to perform manual labor.
  • Manufacturing Jobs - Manufacturing jobs may incorporate various techniques and often involve some level of creativity. There are a wide range of jobs that fall into this category, including welding and woodworking. 
  • Industrial Jobs - Industrial jobs involve the production of goods that are then packaged and shipped to various locations around the world. These jobs often require workers to operate complex machinery.

Call Today to Hear About the Latest Office Jobs in Eagle Pass

When you are looking for an office job, manufacturing job, industrial job, labor job, or temporary employment in Eagle Pass, TX, our job recruiters would love to work with you. Our job recruiters have been placing residents of Eagle Pass in great careers since 1992. Contact us to learn more about our staffing services.

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