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Stuck At A Job You Hate? Here's How to Leave!

June 18, 2021

3 Simple Steps To Leave The Job You Hate

There is not a single person who does not have a bad day at work every once in a while. When every once in a while turns into every week or every day, then it should be time to leave that job for your own mental well-being. However, there is a certain way to handle things when leaving your current position and aligning yourself for the future.

Before you make any final commitments, take the time to sit down and truly think about what you want. Is your current position repairable in any way? Is there room to move within the company that could change your outlook? If you come to the conclusion that you need to walk away, here are three tips to help you through the process.

Decide on what's next before leaving your job

Yes, you would probably enjoy walking into your boss's office and yelling, "I quit!" before elegantly walking away with your head held high. But then what? What are your prospects? Where is your income coming from? All of these questions need to be answered before leaving your current job. Ideally, you would want to have a new place of employment in place before leaving the job you hate. Many people find job recruiters on sites like LinkedIn or go through a staffing agency to assist them in their employment process. You don't want to make a rash decision that does not take your future into account first.

Be sure to give proper notice

Professionalism is key when leaving a place of employment. Burning bridges by abruptly quitting your job can come back to bite you down the line. Drawing up a resignation letter or email and asking for a one-on-one meeting with your direct supervisor and giving at least 2-weeks notice is a best practice that always presents yourself in a positive light.

Deliver meaningful goodbyes

Just as you gave notice to your supervisors in a professional manner, you will want to do the same with co-workers. An old co-worker can become a future boss, subordinate, or co-worker again somewhere down the road so you will want to maintain those relationships in a professional manner. The individuals you work with can also deliver positive references to an employer or through social media channels and other avenues.

Contact Our Staffing Agency in Laredo, TX Today

If you have had enough with your current job and want to leave right away, take the steps mentioned above. As you begin to look for new employment, let the job recruiters at R&H Staffing Services help! Whether you are looking for temporary employment, full-time, or part-time, we can assist in finding you a job that you will enjoy waking up and going to every day. Contact our office today and we can begin the process to get you out of that job you hate. We proudly serve all of Laredo, Cypress, Katy, Spring, & Houston, TX.

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